If you love to read then I highly suggest following @alexandbooks_ on instagram. I stumbled upon him and he has so many wonderful suggestions on a variety of topics. I like how he shares favorite quotes from the book so you have an idea of what it’s all about. Here’s what I’m currently reading and loving.
“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
One of the best selling self help books of all time, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” was first written in 1936 but his advice on how to treat people remains applicable even today. I think every one should be required to read this book! The first time I picked it up was after I graduated college and first started my photography franchise. I was cold calling on daycares and preschools and was a nervous wreck. This book helped me in so many ways. I recently picked it back up when it came across my path three different times all in one week. I figured it was a sign I should read it again. This time, as a parent, I find myself wanting to pass all the invaluable lessons on to my boys. I find the examples of history so intriguing and truly enjoy reading this book. There’s also a version for children that I’d like to get, a book for teen girls, and “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.”
“Boy Mom, What Your Son Needs Most from You” by Monica Swanson
I have started to read parenting books and more often times than not, get bored and never finish them. It’s usually when it’s more psychology than practical advice that I loose interest. This book is not like that at all. Monica Swanson has four boys, is an author, speaker, blogger, and podcast host. Her book is packed with practical advice that I can relate to, wisdom, and resources on how moms can equip their sons with what they need most in life to succeed. It’s so good and I highly recommend it!
“Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a Courageous Faith” by Levi Lusko
I read this at bedtime with my kids and they remind me if I forget. Let me repeat, my kids remind ME to read a devotion! That’s all that needs to be said, but I will add the daily readings are short (a few minutes), pictures are great, and it is relatable to their life. A great way to end the day.
“52 Modern Manners for Today’s Teens” by Brooke Romney
This spiral book stands up on its own and sits on our kitchen counter. It’s actually described as a calendar vs. a book. It makes for great conversations during breakfast or dinner. I try to stress the importance of manners in my home and this little tool helps remind us all to be kind, polite, and perhaps a little more aware of our actions. I recommend this for all families regardless of age.
I love starting my day with this Bible App and the Verse of the Day. There is so much offered in this little app….daily guided prayers, all kinds of devotions, podcasts, and videos. Some of the devotions I’ve done is “A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year,” “Raising Boys Who Respect Girls,” “Six Characteristics of a Strong Family” and “No More Unglued Mama Mornings” 🙂 I had a friend ask me today to join her in reading “7 Prayers to Pray Over Your Work” so that’s my newest one.
Next on my reading list is “You’re too Good to Feel This Bad” by Nate Dallas
I first saw it on @alexandbooks and love the quotes he highlighted, like this one, “Take charge of your health and wellbeing. No one can do it for you.” or this one “Words and thoughts are powerful weapons. They change lives for better or worse, in our own life, and the lives of others. We must stop speaking too quickly, flippantly, or thoughtlessly. If there has been no thinking, there should be no words.”
@Alexandbooks description is this…”If you’re looking for a book that will help you improve your mind, body, and life, this book is the perfect place to start. It’s one of the best self-help books you’ve probably haven’t heard of.
I never realized before writing this how much I like self help books. Probably because I need a lot of it. Ha! Have a great day and if you decide to read one of these I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!